CPIA Announces Bi-Monthly Vault Calls

The Vault Call Fosters Exchange of Ideas, Tips

CPIA members have gleaned valuable takeaways from the Association’s biweekly virtual roundtable, The Vault Call. Recent discussions yielded useful information about non-field recruitment, employee gro...

The Vault

The foundation for a commercial painting industry knowledge bank, this page will house all current and upcoming recordings of The Vault Call, a bi-weekly video gathering where all CPIA members are inv...

About The Vault Call

A vault is a secure room that houses valuables. In the case of the CPIA, it's a secure, virtual room that houses valuable knowledge shared by our esteemed members and invited guests.  The associa...

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CPIA Announces Bi-Weekly Vault Calls

Later this month, the CPIA will launch bi-weekly virtual calls for leaders in the commercial painting industry, to be facilitated by association Co-Founder Aaron Moore.